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Complaints from Cooper Hall may not be legitimate

Information is a hard thing to come by – or so people think.

Since I've been a student at UTM, I've heard a lot of complaints about our Housing department and the lack of validity of its rules. Visitation is the main point of both contempt and ambiguity. The most common grievances happen to be originating in Cooper Hall this semester.

In the past, visitation has not been strictly enforced in Cooper. With a new hall director, seemingly new policies come alongside the Pro Staff when in actuality all that changes is the way policies are enforced.

For years females have been allowed on the second floor of Cooper just outside the lobby where a picnic table may be found. However, it has always been against Housing policies for a female to be on the first or second floors after visitation.

This obviously excludes the passing of a lady heading for the laundry room or lobby, as it is impossible to get to either place without crossing the second and/or first floor(s).

While using Cooper as an example, I am not singling out any particular resident or hall. I am merely stating a fact. Rules are rules and by signing a Housing agreement upon checking into your room you agreed to all of them.

If you are, in any way, unsure of policies related to your residence on campus, ask for information. There are many ways to go about finding the information you need.

For example, resident assistants may help. Also, the hall directors are a good source for answers, or if you’re not comfortable with those options, the Student Government Association is able and willing to answer any questions you have regarding UTM Housing policies. There are always methods to acquire information and have your questions answered.

Matthew Elsroad is a SGA senator from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.