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Don’t forget to get a flu shot

Does your chest burn? Are you having chills, muscular pain and prostration?

If so, you are probably suffering from influenza, also known as the "flu."

Vaccination typically is the best prevention for the flu, according to At UTM, flu shots are available each fall semester and cost $12. Shots are given from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at Student Health.

"We have plenty of vaccine for the flu and will continue to give the shot until the vaccine runs out," said Shannon Deal, director of Student Health.

She said that, as of last week, about 550 people at UTM had been vaccinated.

Three types of flu exist -- A, B and C -- which usually occur in the winter and cause respiratory problems, with such symptoms as chest pain, chills and muscular pain. Type C flu, however, has no symptoms and causes a mild illness.

Flu is a communicable disease and for some can be life-threatening. Those most susceptible to serious complications or even death from the flu include young children, the elderly and people with diabetes.

Most people can take the flu shot without adverse effects. However, Deal said that women in their third trimester of pregnancy should make sure they don't have a fever before getting the shot. Also, others who already are ill do not need to take the shot, she said.

Those who already have the flu can expect to be put on a regimen of antibiotics, such as Relenza, Tamiflu and Flumadine. Other helpful tips for treating the flu include plenty of bed rest, plenty of fluids, aspirin, clean tissue and chicken soup.