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Don’t let books become an expensive doorstop

So, the first week of school is over. You have what classes you want and know whether this semester is going to be hard or easy.

I think everyone makes an earnest effort to read all the assignments, study all the homework, and keep up with your classes the first week.

However, once the semester fully starts, we all know that studying takes a back seat. The parties start and the to-do list get even longer. Something has got to give. Studying is okay, right? Wrong!

I know that you rather make a midnight run to Fulton or at the very least make a run to Los Portales, but you won’t be any closer to getting your work done.

Procrastination is a student’s worse characteristic. I think we’ve all procrastinated at one time or the other, but you shouldn’t make a habit of it.

Students are probably the world’s worst procrastinators. There’s even a group on Facebook about procrastinators at UTM. But if you can break the procrastinatng habit, I swear the semester will go alot smoother.

If you would just study a little bit each night, read just a few pages a night, by the end of the week all your studying is done. If you have no homework, you got the weekend free to get yourself in as much trouble as you possibly can.

Trust me on this. I’ve started my share of ten page papers at three in the morning the night before it’s due. I just can’t understand why everyone starts off so great, but by the time February rolls around, your books have a thick coat of dust on them.

I’m sure that a lot of people make a New Year’s resolution to make better grades or study harder. You would be more likely to keep you resolution if you wouldn’t try to cram a week worth of studying in one night while drinking your weight in Red Bull.

Don’t pull work off till tomorrow and there’s a good chance that you won’t be stressing about your grades when finals roll around.

Which would you rather do? Study a little every couple of nights or explain to your parents why you flunked out of college? Do you want your parents to know the reason why you flunked your mid-terms is because you were too busy doing keg stands with your buddies?

Don’t think that this column is some girl getting on a soap box, acting all high and mighty. I am probably the world’s worst procrastinator.

I’m typing this on the screen an hour before it’s due and I’ve known about it for a week. The irony of writing a column on procrastination when I’m guilty of it right now. Maybe I should take my own advice. Just a friendly FYI, there’s only eight weeks until spring break.