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Letters to the Editor

Student wonders over missing yearbooks

I am so frustrated over the yearbooks. I have been a student since the fall of 2003 and paying that yearbook fee every semester and I have never once received a yearbook! I know that the fee each semester is not a lot but when you add them up that is a small sum to pay for nothing in return. I don’t think that we should have to pay for those books unless we order them. You know, just like high schools, middle schools, elementary schools and even primary schools. Where is the money going if we the students aren’t getting the yearbooks we are charged for every semester?

Tammy Roland Bachelor of University Sciences Martin

Student says no to meat

I couldn’t help but notice the posters with the pig saying, “No, I don’t have any spare ribs!” around campus. They remind me of when I visited a pig farm. Hundreds of pigs were packed tightly in a tiny building and forced to lie on concrete covered, in their own waste. The farmer told me he had just lost 30 of them to pneumonia.

The pigs were scared at first, but eventually one of the braver ones approached me and looked me right in the eyes. I thought of my dog who used to look up at me with those same hopeful, pleading eyes when he wanted my attention. My heart broke. I realized then that just like my dog, pigs are intelligent, sensitive, social individuals with their own personalities and desires. I couldn’t help but think about the cruelty and neglect, the short life, and the terrifying, violent slaughter that awaited these pigs. I would never let my dog be treated the way the pigs on this farm were, and I realized I couldn’t support that suffering anymore.

I never regretted becoming a vegetarian. For more detailed information check out my website:

Kimberly Laster Psychology Salt Lake City