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“Schmo Knows”

Well, a week has gone by, and what is on everyone's mind this weekend? The Super Bowl of course.

This year the matchup is between the New England Patriots and The Carolina Panthers. Odds are looking Pats for sure.

Tom Brady seems at the top of his game, and the New England defense destroyed Peyton Manning for four quarters in their previous outing. It was nice see that former Vols do the same thing in the pros that they did in college, CHOKE! Ah, I feel better.

Carolina will have to run the ball to win. Many think that that is impossible, but were the Pats tired and beat-up after playing such a difficult match versus Indianapolis? I think so. With this, I now slip into my trance-like state and predict the Super Bowl.

The Panthers are the underdog this year, as the Pats were two years ago when they beat the Rams. I think it is time the Pats fell victim to the underdog magic. Sorry to say it LTC Deyeso, but I don't think New England can escape the upset bug come Sunday. Schmo says: Carolina in a squeaker.

Now that that's out of the way, I'm sure most will be calling up their bookies to place bets. It is nice to know that I influence so many illegal betting pools.

Back to other sports now. In college basketball Duke is number one, in both men and women's rankings. Unusual to see in this day and age, but anything is possible. Duke fans are going nuts on both sides of the ball and attendance is just as high for both games.

That makes the university happy because it is one more way they can gouge money out of the masses. Not good ole' UTM though. They would never do anything like that.

The buzz in pro-basketball is that Kobe Bryant may loose an endorsement deal with McDonalds. Oh cry me a river. They want me to feel sorry for a guy who makes millions in salary a year because he may not make as many millions this year. Give me a break. The guy has been charged of rape. Not saying he is guilty, but you can't blame a major family eatery for running for their lives. I'm just sick of people saying I should feel sorry for him. I don't. Frankly, even if he is guilty, he'll get off anyway because Money + Star Athlete = Free Man. If you have any doubts about this, please refer to the O.J. Simpson trial.

Moving on. Here at UTM, intramurals are on the horizon for most student clubs, frats, etc… I wish the faculty would field a team in every event. It would be nice not only to lay the smack down on other clubs, but also some of your favorite teachers as well.

What say you professors? Could the knowledge of countless hours of studying and torturing young students be put to use on the field, or are you just not strong enough? I'd like to see, and so would several others. To make things fair, we will configure all games so that you can play with the aid of your walkers.

In other news, an article in the Murray State News called UTM fans “Rude and Racist.” I used to work for that newspaper. They can run anything they want as long as it’s not real journalism.

This buttnugget whines about how UTM fans heckled MSU’s poor little volleyball team. Well, get over it. Besides sidelining as the Team China, they finally mustered the ability to beat UTM for the first time in a couple years.

I’m more worried about the possible communist influence that is being inflicted on an American collegiate institution.

I think MSU was just jealous because we could win championships with Americans, while they had far out athletes from a country known only for confucious communism and Ping Pong.

Well, that about wraps it up for this week. Enjoy the game, don’t drink and drive, and have a great time.