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Top five “sweet” websites

Five websites that will enahnce your experience on the Internet

For everyone who has ever been bored enough on the internet to frequent or, check out these top 5 sweet websites.

  1. Ever want to discover some new music or a new movie that you might like? Just go to, type in the name of your favorite band or movie, hit enter and the site will draw a relevancy map of related artists or movies. Liveplasma has a very slick design and is easy to use. You’ll find yourself wasting hours following the links between Pulp Fiction and THX 1138.

  2. calls itself “The global home for grassroots media.” Ourmedia provides free storage and bandwidth for your audio, video, photo, software and text files for free. You can share your files with other users and view their files. This site helps make media free for everyone.

  3. Forget your jump drive often? Need to send a file that’s too big for an e-mail attachment? Just go to and you can send a file up to 1 gigabyte in size for free by e-mail. Not to mention, they scan all files for viruses.

  4. If you didn’t already know, Gmail is the best free e-mail client available on the internet with almost 3 gigabytes of free storage, integrated chat and the best feature of all: draft auto-save. Now, when you’re in the middle of typing that important 2,000 word e-mail and the power goes out you will have nothing to fear. Gmail automatically saves your drafts as you type them. It just doesn’t get any better.

  5. This is the ultimate time waster. This little program works kind of like Microsoft Paint, but with an extra little catch: you can play back the animation of drawing it. A great use for this is making a customized birthday card for your sweetheart and e-mailing it to him/her. How sweet.